Broken People. Big God. [Week 6]
Esther – Esther 4:1-17
Have you been waiting on God to “show up”? It can be tempting to think of the Christian journey as one that is filled with mountaintops and miracles, but the truth is more often than not: it’s a long obedience in the same direction. When we don’t see, feel, or hear God in these big and mighty ways it can be disorienting. We often find ourselves “in between” moments or encounters with God.
Esther knew these tensions all too well. Esther was an orphan and an exile, yet she saved the entire Jewish race from complete annihilation. How? She had faith.
Esther demonstrates to us how to have faith “when God’s not there”:
  1. She remembers the stories of God
  2. She participates in the story of God
  3. She shares the story of God
If you are in a season of waiting, doubting, or questioning I invite you to join me on Sunday as we learn from Esther and learn how to have faith while we wait for God.
– George Brown, Director of College and Connections