“Lies About Love” | Week 11
“You Should Be Over It By Now” | Ecclesiastes 7:1-4

Ken Haugk in his book, Finding Hope and Healing, said, “People often say grief is like a roller coaster ride. It pulls you up, then drops you down. It twists and twirls, leaving your heart in your throat and your mind in a blur. You may feel like you’re on a roller coaster. There may be moments when it seems like you’re finally moving upward. Then, all of a sudden you experience something that reminds you of your pain and you feel like you’re falling back to where you were.” When we experience loss in our lives, grief is the natural response to the loss. The prophet Isaiah recognizes in this passage that there will be moments and circumstances in all of our lives when we will feel shaken, pain, loss and grief. He also encourages us with the truth that God’s unfailing love for us will not be shaken during these times nor His commitment to providing peace and compassion for us. Some roller coaster rides of grief are longer than others but we can rest assured that God patiently rides with us and cares for us along the way.