Where are you from?
I am proud to say that I am a Phoenix native. Honestly, I have never lived more than 5 miles from the house I grew up in! I guess you could say I really like Central Phoenix. I love having grown up and raised my family in a place where we have so many connections! I believe God has placed me in my own mission field, right here in Phoenix. We love to be a part of the community and know that we have been called to make an impact where He has planted us.
Tell us about your family.
I am married to my best friend Nathan. We have been married for 29 years and have two amazing sons, Skyler and Tegan. I am blessed to have some “bonus time” with them as they have come back home. As a parent of grown children, I count it a privilege to have had the opportunity to see so many of the prayers I have prayed for my boys answered. As for the rest of my family… I am also super blessed to have my mother, sister and her family local as well! We love to get our families together as often as possible – throw in some karaoke, and its always a good time.
What do you like to do for fun?
Nathan and I enjoy visiting local restaurants and farmers/makers markets, going to the beach, yes – the 6 hours away beach, is our happy place. I have also tried my hand at gardening, emphasis on tried ;). I will absolutely take pointers if anyone has some! In the meantime, I am forever grateful for the produce section at the grocery store to provide all the things we can’t seem to grow. Hosting people in our home is definitely something I LOVE!  There is something about a comfy couch, good food and good conversations that brings out good friendships…. Dinner anyone???
What are you excited about in this new role?
There are so many things to be excited about in this new role of Kids Director! The staff, the kids, the families and the volunteers – I’m giddy!!!! You can feel that God is moving in and through the children and families of PBC. I am looking forward expectantly to all He will continue to do. I am looking forward to getting to know all of the amazing people that make up the ministry and I am truly humbled to get to serve along side each of them in this capacity.